It might seem somewhat
perverse but when designing a garden one of the most important things to keep
in the back of your mind is what it will look like during winter and what
plants will look like when they are either dead or dormant.
Over the past few years we
have all had a bit of a wake-up call as far as real winter is concerned. Perhaps we have been lulled into a false
sense of security with our previously mild weather but, as we have seen, it is
a season that has to be taken seriously.
Planting is often used to
disguise a badly designed garden in the same way that clothes can be used as a
cover up. You might be able to get away with this during the summer when everything is lush the eye is distracted. However in winter, when the
garden has its clothes stripped away, you will see the less attractive bits
which have nowhere to hide.
The basic design has to be
able to stand alone. It has to look good
without any decorative plants. Consider
the shape, pattern and form of the garden.
Is it pleasing to the eye? Do you
have any features that are particularly interesting? It could be something as simple as the curve
of a wall, the reflection of the sky in a still pond or the way light falls
across a terrace.
From this point it can be
‘decorated’ with plants.
The main plant emphasis during
winter is on bark, berries, seed heads, evergreens and the shape, form and
silhouettes of dead or dormant perennials, shrubs and trees.
There are also some lovely scented flowers to
enjoy. At the moment the perfumes from Sarcococca Confusa and Daphne Bholua 'jacqueline postill' are utterly bewitching - to name but two examples.
Sarcococca Flowers are highly scented |
Bark and twigs can be shining
white, patterned, bright glowing red and orange or gleaming like polished
mahogany. One of the best for white bark is the frequently seen Betula utilis var. 'Jacquemontii'. Prunus serula has extraordinary mahogany bark which is the colour of freshly opened conkers. The dogwoods, particularly Cornus alba 'Sibirica' and Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire' have glorious twigs at this time of year which are scarlet or flame coloured and look particularly fine planted in groups where the low sun can illuminate them.
Prunus serula bark gleams in the sun. |
Berries come in lots of
different colours ranging from white to yellow, orange, pink, red, blue and dark
The structure of many
of the
ornamental grasses and some herbaceous perennials once they are dead are
exceptionally lovely and could stand all winter like mini bronze
sculptures. The Miscanthus species stand particularly well all winter
until you chop them down in about March to allow the new growth to come
Miscanthus turn silver. |
Evergreens give colour,
substance, depth and shadow but be careful of packing in too many. They can look a bit artificial particularly
in rural settings. Use small groups,
don’t dot individual specimens. For something a bit different consider using the black/purple leaved Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tom Thumb'
Winter can seem very long so
it is worth taking a little extra trouble to make sure that your garden looks
just as good dressed or naked.